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兹维·古铁雷斯(Zvi Gutierrez)坐在办公桌前,身后是绿色的屏风


En busca de la primicia: Zvi gutisamrerez En UNC

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Blue graduation cap.让我们更深入地看看其他四位杰出的毕业生谁锻造了不同的道路 以及实现目标的障碍.

“The VO/SOT is in.”

“Are we ready to record preshow?”


如果你想了解更多皇冠app安卓下载安装这个网站的信息,请点击这里。 asking about the show, brainstorming stories and working on the final touches before showtime. 皇冠app安卓下载安装术语自由流动,这个地方感觉很热闹.

Most stories produced by Bear News, the Journalism program’s student-produced newscast, 专注于皇冠app官方版下载社区,校园发生的事情和学生是谁 up to.

 But the news team has also shifted their focus off campus, learning more about Greeley 同时扩大他们对全国皇冠app安卓下载安装的报道. Bear News is a full-fledged newsroom, and the hands-on experience of managing it this past year helped 皇冠app安卓下载安装专业的学生即将毕业,兹维·古铁雷斯找到了自己的路。 9News in Denver.

古铁雷斯五月份从皇冠app安卓下载安装学专业毕业,她已经有了一份工作。 我的意思是,我的意思是,我的意思是,我的意思是。. She’ll 她将于6月开始担任9News的驻场制片人.

“你必须有很多的自我动机去做的事情在这个项目. And if you 及早发现这一点,你就能做出伟大的事情.” 

– Zvi Gutierrez

“我想看看[皇冠app安卓下载安装编辑室]有多么不同,以及他们背后的过程。. Since I do most of the technical directing for Bear News this semester, I think that’d be 学习起来很有趣。”古铁雷斯说道.

古铁雷斯是格里利人,2020年从大学高中毕业,期间 然后被皇冠app官方版下载录取.  但她不是从皇冠app安卓下载安装学开始的. Initially, Gutierrez started out as a Graphic Design major, then switched to Forensic Science. 她摇了摇头说:“我不能再学化学了.”

那么,是什么让她进入皇冠app安卓下载安装领域的呢? Cue the track Toxic by Britney Spears. 古铁雷斯看了Netflix的纪录片 Britney vs Spears (2021), chronicling the rise of the #FreeBritney movement, Britney Spears’ 13-year-long conservatorship 以及这位流行歌手为自由而战. It lit a spark.

“我一直喜欢真实的犯罪和类似的东西,”古铁雷斯说. She was inspired by how she could incorporate photography, video work and editing into strong narratives communicating important events.

“它把我所有喜欢的兴趣合二为一.“现在,她要接受这些兴趣 and new skills,to Denver. 常驻制作人是一份初级制作人的工作,但古铁雷斯会的 获得制作节目、写作和制作故事的宝贵经验. She will essentially 做她现在在贝尔皇冠app安卓下载安装的工作,但在一个专业的环境中.

Shawn Montano is the Hansen Professional in Residence and assistant professor in the Journalism department. 他教授学生制作熊皇冠app安卓下载安装的课程. During the spring 2024 semester, students produced the Bear News shows on Monday and Friday, 创造内容,学习窍门.

“皇冠app安卓下载安装工作本质上是务实的,需要掌握多种技能。 采访、研究、写作、编辑和多媒体制作. Through hands-on 经历,学生不仅可以磨练这些技能, but also apply them in real-world settings, refining their proficiency,” said Montano.

古铁雷斯掌握了这些技能,“(肖恩)能够更多地与我们互动…… 他教我们如何做相机和视频工作.她指了指摄影棚里的摄像机 in the Bear News studio. “如何使用播音机和操作播客摊位 basically all one on one.”

但她不只是花她的时间在工作室学习,她还担任了 editor for The Mirror, UNC’s student-run newspaper. Gutierrez wrote stories reflecting life on UNC’s campus and how world news applies 对熊来说,从不回避困难的话题. 虽然她写了无数 stories while at UNC, her story exploring abortion rights and resources in Colorado 周围的州在她的脑海里挥之不去.

“我想停止传播错误信息,所以给人们实际的准确性 资源是我热衷的东西. 甚至在我皇冠app安卓下载安装堕胎的文章里,我也这么说 if you don't want to have an abortion, there are resources available to help parents 或者如果你想找一家收养机构,”古铁雷斯说.

These deeply rooted journalistic thought processes are something Montano takes pride in instilling into his students.

“I am committed to nurturing critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students,” said Montano. “皇冠app安卓下载安装业往往需要迅速作出决定,提供细致的信息 验证,以及驾驭不可预见的障碍的能力."

解决问题是古铁雷斯擅长的事情之一. She finds sources, asks the right questions and scours the internet for documentation to back up every fact she writes. 她在追寻调查皇冠app安卓下载安装的世界 crime reporting. 然而,古铁雷斯并没有陷入即将到来的轰动效应。 with reporting on crime, “我喜欢学习[犯罪]和理解它发生的原因或它是如何发生的 … it interests me.” 

挖掘事实,找到答案,这是她的目标. Subjects like crime live in a gray area of journalism, but it’s about reporting the truth to the public. Right before sitting down to talk about graduation and her journey to UNC, Gutierrez was pouring over P. 迪迪的法庭文件,了解到同时进行的突袭 at both of his homes. 她对时事和知识的了解能有效地进行研究 显示她的热情寻找事实,并使他们为观众.

As commencement approaches, Gutierrez is definitely planning to walk at the graduation 在疫情期间,她正在为黯淡的高中毕业做准备, 然后前往丹佛做更多她喜欢的事情——讲故事.

也许有一天,她会工作在一个纪录片,说服别人去追求 journalism, she said, “You have to have a lot of self-motivation to do things in this program. 如果你能及早发现这一点,你就能做出伟大的事情.” 

皇冠app官方版下载致力于满足学生的经济需求. In 2022-23, 87% of all UNC undergraduate students 获得某种形式的助学金或奖学金 that does not need to be repaid.  

Zvi Gutierrez received the following donor-funded scholarships and UNC institutional 奖学金或其他联邦、州或助学金. 

  • Matthew A. McConnell Memorial Scholarship
  • William F. Hartman Journalism Scholarship

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